
DURATION: 1 day or 2 days


TRAINEE LEVEL: Supervisor and Manager



Equip participants with practical coaching skills and techniques to guide, support, and develop others effectively using the GROW model, active listening, and powerful questioning techniques.


Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the course, participants will:

  • Understand and apply the GROW coaching model.
  • Develop key coaching techniques such as powerful questioning, active listening, and paraphrasing.
  • Engage in real-time coaching practices and receive feedback.
  • Learn to foster a coaching culture in their teams.


Training Outline

1. Introduction to Coaching

  • Definition and purpose of coaching.
  • The difference between coaching, mentoring, and training.
  • Benefits of coaching in the workplace.
  • Role of a coach: Facilitator of growth and change.

2. The GROW Model

  • Goal: Helping the coachee define clear, specific, and measurable goals.
  • Reality: Assessing the current situation and identifying obstacles.
  • Options: Brainstorming possible courses of action.
  • Way Forward: Setting a concrete action plan.
  • Activity: Case study and group discussion on using GROW in real-life scenarios.

3. Core Coaching Techniques 

  • Powerful Questions:
  • Active Listening:
  • Paraphrasing:

4. Coaching Practice Session

  • Role Play: Participants coach each other using the GROW model and coaching techniques.
  • CSS Feedback Tool: Peer and trainer feedback provided on coaching practice.
  • Focus on identifying strengths and areas for improvement.

5. Building a Coaching Culture

  • The importance of fostering a coaching environment within teams.
  • Encouraging continuous learning and development.
  • Strategies for embedding coaching into everyday leadership.